(a) Substitution effect
- When faced with a difficult question, we answer an easy question without noticing the substitution
(b) Ego depletion
- Self control and deliberate thought draw on the same budget of attention
- "Pay attention is apt since you've got a fixed budget of attention"
(c) "Intelligence is not only the ability to reason but also the ability to find relevant material in memory and deploy to attention when needed"
(d) Halo effect
- Interpret words and actions based upon our feelings
(e) WYSIATI (What you see is all there is)
- Consistency of information matters for good story rather than completeness
(f) Availability heuristic
- Ease of access to information determines estimation (recent memories influence our decision making greatly!)
(g) Law of Small Numbers
- More likely to see extreme outcome in a small sample size
- Trouble dealing with small risks: either ignore or give it too much weight
#Psychology #Acquisition