(1) "The words you say matter less than your actions. You become the sum of your actions."
(2) "The point is not to have an iron will but to have an adaptable will."
(3) "You may not control the situation but you can control how you think about the situation."
(4) "Over time, self-control becomes the real pleasure and temptation becomes the regret."
(5) Goethe's quotes
(6) "What you leave out is sometimes more important than what you let in."
(7) "In our journey for self improvement, the perfect stage never arrives. It is only an ideal and not an end."
(8) "The problem with wanting something is not that is lacks meaning but rather it is never enough."
(9) "Receive without pride, let go without detachment."
(10) "Be in control of your passions otherwise you will be controlled by your passions."